Friday, December 29, 2017

Big and Beauty Lily Water

Lily Water

Okay, I forget what the species of this plant, I just remember the name of the sign is lily, but I'm not sure. Okay, forget about the species or the name of the plant. I think it's one more beautiful plant in my country, yeah so many beautiful and exotic plant in tropical areas. One of them is this one, maybe it's located in many countries. I found this in Bogor Botanical Garden. Oh, right, Bogor Botanical Garden has many species of plant and also has many deer too. I didn't take a photo of the deer because its located in a different area. You can use this picture for your projects. But, if you want to copy all of my contents on this website, you should put a link reference to this web.

Download size:
Medium    : 640 x 360
Large        : 2048 x 1152
More Size 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Beautiful White Flower and Water Fountain

and water fountain

Now, let's see this beautiful little white flower and water fountain behind the flower. I deliberately blurring the fountain, so its focus on the beautiful flower. It still an excited photo. I take this picture at Bogor Botanical Garden. Yeah, the photo was taken a few month ago. I take this photo with my friend that one organization with me, he likes photography too and we share together about photography and some tricks when taking a picture. One of the tricks is when you use a camera phone you should get near the object not zooming the camera or you can attach a zooming lens for a phone.

Download Link and Size:
Medium Size : 640 x 360
Large Size     : 2048 x 1152
More Size

Friday, December 22, 2017

Crossroad HD Wallpaper

Walking, on vacation, driving or any activities related to the environment should definitely through the streets. Be it a small way, to highways though. Sure, you'll find your way straight, or even turn to a crossroads. Well, this photo I took when I was at the Bogor botanical gardens. One of the places that serve a favourite for tourists in the area of Bogor. Image resolution is quite clear and I clicked using my hp camera, measuring 13 MP and produce about 4000 resolution image capture x 4000 pixels. If you would like this picture for free and not allowed to claim copyright on the photos that are on this website.

Small Size     : 240x135
Medium Size : 640x360 
Large Size     : 2048x1152
More Size      

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Hot Mix Road Wallpaper

On vacation while looking for something interesting is one of the things I like, well at least it can fill my boredom when vacationing just silent self alone though it's picnic. Actually, the photos I took today are not just a mere hanging around another, there is not any intention or become a professional photographer. I took a photo of it just as a file that is stored in the directory belongs to me. As time goes, I just had the idea to share my photos, it is possible that there are people who need images corresponding to my photo that I take. You can use the photos on this site for various purposes without backlink to this site, but you are still prohibited from claiming the photos belong to me because the image retains the copyright

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tree with Leaf Loss

This photo I capture when the show had with my friends in Bogor. My friends mean to me to take some photographs, and I was tempted with his sweet seduction. Not what brought photography because I also love photography, and with my photography is not too fatigued and much thought. Very much actually a hobby that I have from programming, writing, reading up to photography is also my hobby too. I did not the expert photography but I experimented with my own way, so for those of you who love photography please experiment and just keep trying. All can be done if there are a desire and endeavour, of course.

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Tree With Sunset Effect Wallpaper

sunset on tree wallpaper hd

Late afternoon on a few months ago, I was relaxing in front of my house together with my mother. While holding the smartphone I belong to, I just took some photos, because one of my hobbies of photography as well, so I took that I think can be perpetuated. Look to the park beside or I often call "saung" there is not a thing that can be taken, about half an hour I am looking for ideas for my photos, and finally when I see the sun began to set, there is a gap that can be perpetuated. Although the square by a tree I just play my mindset, so I accidentally get a picture like in this post. Although using a smartphone, but a steady result does no harm does it? Only with the capital click focus alone can get a steady picture.

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Fresh Green Grass Wallpaper HD

Grass wallpaper, grass wallpapers hd,

Still continue the previous image. I took a little time hunting for natural images, which I got from about ten spots available graduation class of twelve if there are five spots worked. If I take in the parking lot, if this time I took near the parking lot, incidentally there are plants that makeup or styled in such a way, and I take a photo of the grass from the bottom or parallel to the ground. Had I think will fail because it was too close and not set in advance, but when seen this photo fair good looking fresh and its grass. I took this photo with just a smartphone belonging to me, though not as advanced as DSLR camera, but the camera my smartphone can be said to be the equivalent of a DSLR. Just the tip only if capture photos with your smartphone and want to make a good picture, simply hover the camera object and minimize the use of zoom because it will cause blurry images.

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Road Sign With Nice Look


First, I don't have any event with my best friend. However, about two weeks before this photo was taken, my organization had held an event. It is indeed not too sudden, but I joined because of this show have never been realized from some time ago. Meeting in Bogor, Indonesia. By bringing mobile devices and pocket money, I have no intention of taking some photos. But, my friends happen to like photography and he invites me to take spot immortalized. While learning and sharing tips with friends, I invite my friends to grab a few good spots, in my opinion, well here I get this photo, I asked my friend's opinion about the photos I took this photo and he said very nice. So, I share this photo for you that requires photos like this and I share it for free.

Awalnya saya tidak ada acara apapun dengan sahabat saya. Tetapi, sekitar dua minggu sebelum foto ini diambil, organisasi saya mengadakan acara silaturahim. Memang tidak terlalu mendadak, tetapi saya ikut karena acara ini belum pernah terwujud dari beberapa waktu lalu. Tempat bertemu yaitu di daerah Bogor, Indonesia. Dengan membawa perangkat seluler dan uang saku saja, saya tidak punya niat mengambil beberapa foto. Tetapi, kebetulan teman saya suka fotografi dan dia mengajak saya mengambil spot untuk diabadikan. Sambil belajar dan berbagi tips bersama teman saya, saya ajak teman saya ambil beberapa spot yang bagus menurut saya, nah disini lah saya dapatkan foto ini, saya minta pendapat teman saya tentang foto yang saya ambil dan ia berkata foto ini sangat bagus. Jadi, saya bagikan foto ini untuk Anda yang memerlukan foto seperti ini dan saya bagikan secara gratis.

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Outside Parking Area and Hotmixed Road HD

outdoor hd wallpaper

This is one of the parking spots in Indonesia. I capture these moments in the graduation class of twelve. I originally both with my friend while waiting for the welcome entry into the event, but until the two have not failed to get into the event. Forced, I find a place to take shelter and sit for a moment, incidentally, there is parking behind the place, so I sat there and without any idea, without any concept of a whim I took some photos to be stored. One of them is this photo. You can grab for free and can be used for any project or your work.

Ini adalah salah satu tempat parkir yang ada di indonesia. Saya abadikan momen ini dalam acara kelulusan kelas dua belas. Awalnya saya berdua dengan teman saya sambil menunggu dipersilahkan masuk ke dalam acara, tetapi hingga pukul dua belum kunjung masuk ke acara tersebut. Terpaksa, saya cari tempat untuk berteduh dan duduk sejenak, kebetulan ada parkiran di belakang tempat itu, sehingga saya duduk dekat situ dan tanpa ide apapun, tanpa konsep apapun saya secara iseng mengambil beberapa foto untuk disimpan. Salah satunya adalah foto ini. Anda bisa ambil secara gratis dan dapat digunakan untuk segala proyek atau pekerjaan Anda.

Download Size: 

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size

Nice Bogor Indonesian Sunset Picture

In Indonesia, very rarely get the sunset views are very beautiful especially in areas where there is no spot for photography. I take this view on the second floor of my house. The Sun looks orange coloured create unsightly and make a cool glance. I capture this wonderful moment when three o'clock in the afternoon, and this is the result I capture look attractive and suitable for Wallpaper or materials in your project. You can get this picture for free and with a variety of different sizes.

Di indonesia, sangat jarang sekali mendapatkan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang sangat indah terlebih lagi di daerah yang tidak ada spot untuk fotografi. Saya mengambil pemandangan ini dari rumah lantai dua saya. Matahari yang terlihat berwarna jingga membuat enak dilihat dan menjadikan pandangan sejuk. Saya mengabadikan momen indah ini ketika pukul tiga sore, dan inilah hasil yang saya abadikan terlihat menarik dan cocok digunakan untuk Wallpaper ataupun bahan dalam proyek Anda. Anda dapat mendapatkan gambar ini secara gratis dan dengan berbagai ukuran berbeda.

Download Size:

Thumbnail  Square 75  Square 150
Small 240 Small 320 Medium 500
Medium 640  Medium 800  Large 1024
Large 1600  Large 2048  Original Size